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Шифр: BL1/2017/95/2

Bulletin of the World Health Organization [Текст] : an international journal. - Geneva : WHO, 1948 - . - ISSN 0042-9686. - Виходить щомісячно
2017р. Vol. 95 Issue 2
Reaching adolescents with health services in Nepal. - P.90-91
Research to improve the health of vulnerable populations. - P.92-93
Drought, conflict and childrn's undernutrition in Ethiopia 2000-2013: a meta-analysis. - P.94-102. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Implementation research: towards universal health coverage with more doctors in Brazil. - P.103-112. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Implementation research on community health workers' provision of maternal and child health services in rural Liberia. - P.113-120. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Rodriguez, D. Political commitment for vulnerable populations during donor transition / D. Rodriguez, A. Whiteside, S. Bennett. - P.121-127. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
An equity dashboard to monitor vaccination coverage. - P.128-134. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Joshi, D. Peer-led active tuberculosis case-finding among people living with HIV: lessons from Nepal / D. Joshi, R. Sthapit, M. Brouwer. - P.135-139. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Modifying homes for persons with physical disabilities in Thailand. - P.140-145. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Tangcharoensathien, V. Implementing health insurance for migrants, Thailand / V. Tangcharoensathien, A. Thwin, W. Patcharanarumol. - P.146-151. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Inverse care and the role of the snane: the health jf the urban poor. - P.152-153. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Ensuring an inclusive global health agenda for transgender people. - P.154-156. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Harcourt, E. How can the sustainable development goals improve the lives of people affected by conflict? / E. Harcourt, R. Ratnayake, A. Kim. - P.157-158. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Reaching vulnerable populations: lessons from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. - P.159-161. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Mills, J. -A. Rehabilitation services in disaster response / J. -A. Mills, J. Durham, V. Packirisamy. - P.162-164. - Библиогр. в конце ст.

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    Mills, J. -A.
    Rehabilitation services in disaster response [Text] / J. -A. Mills, J. Durham, V. Packirisamy // Bulletin of the World Health Organization = Бюллетень Всемирной организации здравоохранения = Le Bulletin de l'Organisation mondiale de la Sante : an international journal. - 2017. - Vol. 95, Issue 2. - P162-164. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
ЖЕРТВЫ КАТАСТРОФ (реабилитация)

Дод.точки доступу:
Durham, J.; Packirisamy, V.
Экземпляры: всего 1 : чит.зал періодичних видань, рук.,кат. (1 экз.)
Свободны: всего 1 : чит.зал періодичних видань, рук.,кат. (1 экз.)
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